Thursday 4 March 2021

Awa Poem

In class Mrs Bennett read us a poem about the river mouth, then we made our own poems using some descriptive words we had brainstormed as a class.

Monday 1 March 2021

My 2021 Profile

Hi my name is Rylee and I’m a year 8 that goes to Matawai School. I live with my Mum, Stepdad and 2 brothers on a farm about 15 minutes away from Matawai. I love riding horses and wish my parents will get me one someday. I’ve always liked playing sports and my favourite is soccer.

School subjects that I enjoy are maths, writing and science. I find reading a little challenging but I still enjoy it. I especially like horse books. A few more things that I like are my pets e.g dogs, cats, lambs and more. I like going out hunting with my Stepdad on the farm catching deer, possums, magpies and rabbits/hares. My main goal for this year is going up another level in my reading and writing!

This year I’m looking forward to getting outside and playing with my friends and finishing my last year positively! The Wilson Sisters are some people that I really look up to. They are horse riders that have so many books with tips and things they have done in their equestrian life. I hope you enjoy reading my future blog posts.

Monday 23 November 2020

Summer Learning Journey Descriptive Writing

 The next step of learning about the summer learning journey was to find another picture, colour it in and describe it. e.g shapes, lines, colours, texture, whats in the background... 

You can see that this drawing is pretty plain. But the paint has a good texture on the pyramid and a little bit of texture on the sand. The background is just a blue sky with the pyramid and sand. My eye catches onto the little mountains on the right hand side far back behind the pyramid. There are lines that separate the sky from the sand and the 3 dimensional triangle. The colours there are not to many of either but they blend together nicely and they look good side by side.

Friday 20 November 2020

Online Art

 Today Mrs Torrie came into room 4 along with room 3 and she talked to us about the Summer Learning Journey. The summer learning journey is when people set you tasks every week and you learn it, create it, then share it on your blog.

My colours I choose are really summery vibes then the dark blue and green in the background level out the colours.

My Art -

Composition - Coloured By Rylee

Composition - Mohammed Melehi

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Kiwi Pavlova

 Today the year sevens went in pairs and used postermywall to create a homemade ice cream of our choice. We had to have more than one flavour and there has to be one fresh ingredient involved through the sweet. My partner was Jaimee and we decided to make a classic kiwi Pavlova ice cream. Tomorrow we will be making the proper ice cream during food tech.

This is how our poster turned out.  

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Athletics Day 2020

 Last week Matawai School had an action packed week with Ag Day and Athletics. But athletics was the most challenging part of last week. 

We started off by lining up in our year groups with a whole lot of other schools and then all the year groups spread off into different sports activities. The year sevens rushed off to highjump. There were only 3 year seven girls from Matawai plus other girls from the different schools. I was proud of how I did but I was also proud of Hayley and Jaimee’s effort because we came top three for high jump. Jaimee = 1st, Hayley =2nd and me ( Rylee ) = 3rd. 

Shotput was up next and that is my least favorite activity for athletics because I don’t have the right technique so it either ends up as a throw or it just doesn't go very far at ALL! Anyway the lady put us into our order that our names were printed and I was the 2nd girl to go. My first shot out of 2 Kate the sports lady clarified it as too much of a throw and she said I could do better. My last shot was perfect and one of the boys ran a measuring tape out and I got approximately 7 - 8 meters.

Slowly walking with Hayley around the high jumpers as we rotated over to the long jump. We got back in our order and the boys were desperate for the girls to go first and they were saying “ladies first.” So we lined up. My heart was beating faster than a blink of an eye and before I knew it I was up. My first jump got about 3 meters then when I went for my second jump I got 1cm less than my first jump.

We headed over to the discus and we waited about 45 minutes to have our turn. And when we arrived over there the year 8’s were still waiting for their turn. So after a long time of waiting later I picked up the discus and threw it. But little did I know that Hayley’s Dad was  taking pictures of us when we threw the discus. He called them our ballerina poses. After my two throws my longest one was 11.2 meters.

Our last thing we had to do was… dun dun dunnnn!!! Sprints. So basically I didn’t get any placings in the sprints but I wasn’t very far behind Zoe Newman in every race. But I tried my hardest and am looking forward to doing it again next year, my final athletics at Matawai.

To finish the day I went and bought Hayley and myself a refreshing juicy ice block and did the team relays. My team did really well and got a solid third. My team had Hohepa, Jaimee, Maranga and myself. That's how I ended a wonderful day.

Friday 23 October 2020

Pop Art Online

Today our cybersmart teacher ( Mrs Torrie ) saw how room 4 had done pop art with Mrs Allan in term 2 2020 and all our art was put up on the wall. Since Mrs Torrie teaches computer stuff so she got us to use the app called Lunapic which is a photo editing app and it's really cool.